From the earliest days, people believed that gemstones held special powers to change human destiny into a lucky path. Conversely, some gems were given the unfortunate influence of leading to accidental death.
The ancient Magi, Alchemists, Kabbalists, Astrologers, Egyptian Priests, and Healers, to name just a few, held the Power of Stones in high esteem. Down through the ages, they have valued, studied, and taught the virtues of powers attributed to stones.
Stones are used in ceremony, ritual, and spell work to enhance one's aura and to be used in conjunction with other items, herbs, talismans, etc., to help bring about one's wishes or to represent specific influences of nature.
Stones have astounding powers and are well known. They can protect and heal, create order out of chaos, and bring harmony and balance. The gems you wear have a direct bearing on your health and happiness.
The power stones will help you achieve and maintain good health, economic security, and wish fulfillment.
These stones come from the Gastein Valley of hot springs in Salzburger, Austria. People believe stones of Bad Gestein are effective against all diseases, so people from all over the country come for healing. See Talisman Pendants
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